Keli Garza: Exploring the ancient practice of vaginal steaming for modern women's health.

Beloved Holistics
Keli Garza: Exploring the ancient practice of vaginal steaming for modern women's health.

The practice of vaginal steaming, also known as pelvic steaming, yoni steaming, or herbal steam, has been around for centuries and is gaining popularity again. Keli Garza is an expert on vaginal steaming, its practice's history, and its benefits. The practice involves sitting over steaming water infused with herbs, which is believed to improve circulation and provide various health benefits. While there are no scientific studies to support the claims, the practice has been used as an alternative form of self-care and midwifery care. Its popularity has surged in recent years, with celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow promoting it.

Vaginal steaming is the least invasive and lowest-risk intervention compared to other medical procedures. The historical accounts of gynecological remedies, such as Tra, a book written by the first female physician in Europe, involved vaginal steaming. Women's contributions to medicine have often been overlooked throughout history, as highlighted by Keli Garza. It was not until the late 19th century that a law had to be passed to include women in medical studies. Women who did attend medical school were often ridiculed and discouraged from pursuing surgical specialties. The Crimean War helped create an environment where women had a place in medicine, but only as nurses who took orders from doctors.

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In this episode:

[00:02:00] Vaginal steaming, pelvic steaming, or yoni steaming involves sitting over steaming water with herbs to increase circulation and provide health benefits.

  • Used traditionally for self-care and midwifery care and is sometimes considered a form of gynecology to treat various gynecological issues.
  • Despite concerns about safety, if done appropriately vaginal steaming is considered low-risk and has been reported to provide relief for conditions such as cervical dysplasia, chronic UTIs, bad bacterial vaginosis, fibroids, and endometriosis.

[00:06:00] Steaming has been used throughout history for gynecological remedies, including in European and Chinese history, as well as by midwives and women's home remedies.

  • Gynecology has shifted to a surgery-based practice for hundreds of years until the present time.
  • Women healers have long used these types of practices, but modern medicine has become overly reliant on pharmaceuticals and surgery.

[00:19:00] A study would find measurable differences in prostate size after steaming.

  • Society may undervalue women's quality of life and women's health concerns.
  • People are paying for vaginal steaming out of their own pockets is a testament to the positive effects it has on their quality of life.

[00:40:00] Providing a safe and comforting environment through pelvic steaming can release natural oxytocin, which can prevent interventions and improve maternal mortality rates.

  • Oxytocin is a vital hormone in the body, responsible for various tasks, including causing surges during labor, resulting in the fetal ejection reflex and milk letdown reflex.
  • Artificial oxytocin, such as Pitocin, only targets the uterus receptors and misses out on the other benefits of natural oxytocin release.

[01:00:00] The benefits of steaming for postpartum care are anecdotal but significant.

  • Keli's study shows that steam therapy may alleviate stitch discomfort and promote healing, among other benefits.
  • Hemorrhoids were completely gone in the steam group by day eight, suggesting that steaming may also be effective for treating this condition.

[01:24:00] The release of a documentary about vaginal steaming is currently in production.

  • Doctors will speak of the benefits of vaginal steaming and help to normalize its use.
  • It will educate people and promote a greater understanding of the benefits of vaginal steaming.

This episode was made possible by:

  • FullWell - code BELOVED10 for 10% off the best prenatal vitamins and men's virility vitamins on the planet!
  • BIRTHFIT - code BELOVED to get one month FREE in their B! Community!
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  • Rosemary Meran - soul connections - Offering one-on-one sessions (virtually or in-person)

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Medical Disclaimer: The Holistic OBGYN Podcast is an educational program. No information conveyed through this podcast should be construed as medical advice. These conversations are available to the public for educational and entertainment purposes only.

Music provided by EdvardGaresPremium / Pond5


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